Welcome to a site that tries to mend what has been broken out of ignorance, meaning "not knowing any better", and bringing the people of the earth, of the Creator, and of history together again as one in the sacred circle. No matter what blood runs through your veins, what part of the world you or your ancestors came from, we are all a part of one another, and must live here together on one earth. My family and I are part-Cherokee/Chippewa, my children are part Choctaw through their father, and part-European, Mixed-blood.
We are **"Me'tis".
We are of "mixed blood" heritage, blending our
customs, traditions, and beliefs together to help unite and preserve
our people, all people.
How can we hate what we are a part of? How can we be prejudiced toward any one race of people when our ancestors found each other, and made families among the different races and created us in the end? Whatever God made you to be, you should be proud to be! And NO ONE has the right to put you down for the color of your skin, or the traditions you live with, because you had no control over these things, you were born, without asking to be, and you were raised in the way of the family and community you lived with. None of us had ANY choice!
**Disclaimer: The Me'tis of the United States and Canada are not historically connected to the Me'tis of Northern Canada. We mean no offense nor claim any connection to the Northern Canadian Historic Me'tis Nation.**
These are MY Grandchildren, and they are of many bloods. They had NO choice, but they are being raised to be proud of what they are! Although, we are of "Tsalagi" or "Ani Yv Wiya", Chippewa, (or Ojibwa, Anishenabe), and Choctaw ancestry, we love and honor all other peoples here, because "O ta sa la nv lvi...we are all brothers and sisters, or related", regardless of our blood line or quantum.
My other ancestral connection is through my great-great grandmother of the Chippewa Nation. Something my Pentecostal Grandfather was never proud of and tried to his dying breath to deny. His elder sister, keeper of the family history and stories, told us otherwise.
Kayla & Ryan
Our Native ancestral origins are in North Carolina, in the mountains. My Great-great grandfather was Larkin (Hopkins) Moon, Cherokee, who married Melinda Lamb, Scots-Irish.
We were all proud to be whatever we were. There was NO racism in my Hometown! I'm thankful for that, for as a result, I grew up with no racist thoughts or beliefs and was permitted to be proud of what and who I am.
Even the "Red" race has its share of ignorance. Some have been guilty of calling us racist names such as "Twinkies" and "Wannabee's". Why? Because we are different from them, because we did not grow up as they may have, because our history differs from theirs and we may not "look" Indian! Yet, we do not call them by "racist" names. Instead, we respect them, and hold them in highest regard. While there may be some charletains who profit from lies, we, along with thousands of others, were also taught in the traditional manner. We were told the stories from our grandparents, about our history. We would never call anyone's grandparent a "liar". Think before you label people who are different from yourself! The Creator did not label anyone! A "formal" education does not ALWAYS guarantee "intelligence".
Please click on the Me'tis Seal
above to visit the Wolf Band's Page.
We are Proud Members of the Wolf Band of the Me'tis Nation of the United States. Please visit the Wolf Band site to read about the Me'tis of the United States and to read about our cousins, the Me'tis of Canada. We are of European ancestry, such as Scottish, represented below, from the MacGregor Clan. That surname was changed to "Greer", after the Clan Campbell fought, pillaged and took over the lands of the MacGregors, thereby making it illegal to bear the name "MacGregor".
We are also of Irish, English, French, and German decent.
We are proud to be a part of the "SACRED HOOP" (made up of the four sacred colors of man, Red, Yellow, Black, and White!), if one of these colors were to be removed, the Sacred Circle or Hoop would never be mended.
"Blackfoot Medicine Woman" by
Diana Stanley
Please click on the above graphic to enter, the Lodge and sit quietly and learn that which is to be shared with the people living on the Earth Mother. I hope you find great comfort and experience wonderful things as you learn what the Great Spirit has in store for you.
The Mayor's Cup Trophy!
Here is Joy and her husband, Joe Marks, cutting the victory Ice Cream Cake..Yummmy! Of course, this was after a great feast of the absolute best Fry Bread and Indian Tacos in the world, Buffalo burgers, succotash, Apache Corn, oh, I could go on forever...there was so much great food there!
Here you see my brothers and sisters, doing what guys and gals do after a big feast! *smile*
From L to R,
Friends, Tanya and Andy Christie, my sister, Emma Kelsey, my brother, Daniel Garneaux, Emma's daughter, Blaine, my son, Brad, and my husband, Joe, and a friend, Russell, walking in the background!
Papa, Ed and Brother, Daniel Garneaux
Just Us Girls, Joy, Emma, and Me
Emma's older daughter, Norrie, with her beau, Richard.