We are members of a Sister Organization called,R.AI.N. RED~ROAD AWARENESS for INDIGENOUS NATIONS
We were honored and blessed with the Mayor's Cup Trophy in the Azalea NATO Festival Parade, as you will see here.
The Mayor's Cup Trophy!
Here is Joy and her husband, Joe Marks, cutting the victory Ice Cream Cake..Yummmy! Of course, this was after a great feast of the absolute best Fry Bread and Indian Tacos in the world, Buffalo burgers, succotash, Apache Corn, oh, I could go on forever...there was so much great food there!
Here you see my brothers and sisters, doing what guys and gals do after a big feast! *smile*
From L to R, Tanya and Andy Christie (Western Cherokee), Emma (Halliwa Saponi), my brother, Daniel (Pine Ridge Lakota), Emma's daughter, Blaine, my son, Brad (Cherokee-Chippewa), Joe (Cherokee), and Russell (Monacan), walking in the background.
Ed and Daniel Garneaux
Just Us Girls, Joy, Emma, and Me
Emma's older daughter, Noorie, with friend, Richard (Rosebud Lakota).
O ta sa la nv lvi..."We are brothers and sisters."Mitakuye Oyasin!! "All My Relations!!"